Having another layer of protection just beneath your roof is essential for backup. The roofing felt acts as a waterproof membrane in case of leakage.

Since a shed is a simple roof structure where you keep animals and farm produce, it is good to add roofing felt for the shed, whether it is an 8×6, 10×12, or 10×8 shed.

For an 8×6 shed, you need proper measurements to determine how much roofing felt can be used. 

One roll of felt is good enough for an 8×6 shed. This roll of roofing felt is 8m × 1m, and it is more than sufficient to cover this size of the shed. It is easy to calculate as 8m is equivalent to 26 feet to determine if this would do. This is okay because you also need to consider feeling used for overlaps.

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How Much Felt Do I Need For an 8×6 Shed?

Roofing Felt For 8×6 Shed

Most garden sheds indeed are 6×4 in size, which if converted is 1.83m×1.22m. Now, the logic is the same.

An 8×6 shed is 2.43m×1.83m. A roll of felt is 8m×1m which means it is advisable to use a roll for this size of the shed. 

A roll of felt is big enough to cover most sizes of sheds. This is because sheds aren’t as big as residential houses, companies, factories, or churches.

As we earlier said, their small structures; hence, using a roll of felt is enough. 

You should also know that no matter the size of a shed, a roll or a roll and half would do. If a roll isn’t enough, you shouldn’t call that structure a shed because it’s bigger and would require more than necessary. 

How To Measure Shed Roof for Felt?

To measure the shed roof to install felt, you need to measure the roofing square. The first thing to do is have your writing materials and calculator to take measurements.

Two things are involved in measuring shed roof for felt:

#1. Roofing Calculator

Enter the space found directly below the pitched roof. In other words, choose a part in the shed where the framing is visible. 

What is a visible frame? It’s simply the part of the shed where the horizontal and vertical members of the exterior walls and interior partitions.

This means that, when taking measurements, locate the shed’s attic.

The next thing to do is measure a 12-foot distance and mark it. This distance should be along the floor and in the same direction as the roof’s pitch. 

You’re making significant progress once you reach this stage of measurement. The next thing to do is to measure the distance of the roof from the floor every 12-foot distance.

So, for every 12-foot distance marked, you should measure the height of the roof from the floor.

It’s as easy as that. 

Once you’re done with the previous step, you should subtract the lower height measurement from the higher height measurement to get the roof pitch difference.

For example, if your difference was 4, your roof pitch is 4/12. To do all these, using a roofing calculator is advisable. 

#2. Roof Area

After the roofing calculator, calculating the roof Area is the next thing to do. First, make sure you measure the length and width of the shed at ground level in feet.

Then, multiply the measurements to get the total area of the roof. If your shed is irregular in shape, you can also take measurements but in a different way.

You’ll have to break the structure into rectangles and measure separately. 

Multiply the measurement gotten in the previous step by a correction factor. The correction factor is for the greater area of the roof due to the pitch.

For example, suppose you have a roof pitch of 3/12 or 4/12 multiplied by 1.25. For roof pitches of 5/12 to 7/12, a correction factor of 1.3 should be used.

Then for higher pitches, you can use 1.5 to 1.7. 

Whatever figure you get after the multiplication, you should then multiply it again by 1.10 for the account of waste.

Finally, if the shed has a complicated shape or valley, you should add 10 to 25 percent to account for added area.

At this point, divide your answer by 100 and round up to convert it from square feet to squares.

How Do You Calculate Roofing Felt? 

Calculating roofing felt is no different from calculating the shed roof. You calculate the roofing felt because you want it to fit nicely on your roof.

Therefore, to estimate the roofing felt, it all depends on your shed roof

The steps involved are still the same as earlier discussed. However, there’s a little twist at the end when you’re calculating roofing felt.

When rounding up your answer to convert it from square feet to squares, this is done because of the roofing felt. This is because roofing materials are specified in squares

At this point, you can calculate the roofing felt since you’ve converted it to squares. Note that one hundred square feet are equal to one square.

It will interest you to know that roofing felts are sold in rolls, and one roll of it is one square which covers 100 square feet. This is simple and interesting if you follow the logic. 

You can use the roofing square measurement to calculate the roofing felt. Instead of using tape to take the lengths and width of your roofing felt, you should measure your roof and use it to measure your felt as one roll is even one square already. 

How Much Does a Roll of Roof Felt Cover? 

A roll of roof felt is one square which is 100 square feet. Therefore, a roll of roof felt can cover 225 square feet.

This is about 2.25 squares. However, a roll of roof cover may differ in length and width.

This is because of different companies and their sizes. For example, a roll of bituminous roofing feet 36 inches wide and 12 yards long, but this may not be the same for other companies. 

Just as we have a yard of material, roof felts are also measured the same way. Also, if a yard of material can’t make a long dress, it needs to be added.

Roof felts are measured in rolls.

These rolls have a specific area they can cover. Like I earlier said, it also depends on the company.

A roll of roof felt is big enough to cover an 8×6 shed despite excesses. 

You might be wondering why a roll of roof felt covers such an area. This is because it is relatively big and not as small as we think.

So, a roll of roof felt is more than enough to cover such an area. When it is not enough, then more rolls are added to cover. But, a roll of roof felt can cover 225 square feet


Knowing the right size and amount of roofing felt is good to avoid wastage or shortage. Imagine getting less than what you need or getting more than you need.

This article has discussed how we can easily calculate the roof shed and the roofing shed using the roof shed. But, again, we know that for an 8×6 shed, a roll of roofing felt would do.

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