A concrete patio is a great way to add an extra ambient to your space. It can be used for entertaining guests and relaxing with friends and family.

But before building your patio, it’s good that you take some time to think about what it will look like. Would it be okay if you put rocks around? 

You can put rocks around your patio, and there’s nothing wrong. They help the concrete look more natural and blend in with the landscape. This idea is good if you want your patio to look more attractive.

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Can You Put Rocks Around Concrete Patio?

Rocks Around Concrete Patio

You can put rocks around your concrete patio; they beautify the outer space.

If you are worried about your plants growing into the rocks, making them difficult to remove, plant them in pots or containers. You can place them on top of the rocks.

Note that putting rocks around a concrete patio depends on the type of rock that you are using.

Unlike porous rocks like sandstone that are suitable, sharp-edge rocks are dangerous and can damage concrete.

There are many reasons to put rocks around a concrete patio. One is that they provide a great aesthetic look.

They also help to slow the water runoff and provide a natural barrier between the concrete and grass or garden area.

In the case of rocks like gravel, drainage is easy. You wouldn’t need to worry about water retention as it absorbs water and prevents puddles from forming. 

However, remember that gravel is a good option only for an area without regular movement. It’s a nice choice if you want a natural look that will blend in with the surrounding landscape.

Alternative to gravel, you can put stones around the concrete patio. I suggest stones because they make the surface more even and more comfortable for movement.

Altogether, there’s no wrong in surrounding your concrete patio with rocks. But still, you ought to consider the downsides before making any decision.

Always weigh the pros and cons.

Upsides Downsides 
They protect the feet from getting hurt by sharp edges of the concrete slab or old patio.Rocks like gravel can be hard on bare feet, especially if not covered with mulch or grass.
They create a more artistic look. A lot of time and effort is required for maintenance( tools like shovels and rakes)
In areas with heavy rains, utilizing rocks can help filter out some dirt and debris that might get washed into the concrete.They are difficult to clean, and the cost of materials can be expensive if you do not already have them.

How Do You Cover a Concrete Patio with Rocks?

Covering a concrete patio with rocks isn’t a complex process. But still, you need to know the right way to do it.

So the first thing you should do is prepare the concrete patio. Then, get ready the rocks and evenly spread them on the concrete.

#1. Prepare the Concrete Patio

Various alternatives depend on whether the concrete patio is old or new.

In a situation where the concrete has already been existing, pressure-wash the surface and ensure it’s debris free.

You can use a pressure washer or scrub it with a stiff-bristled brush, but be sure not to damage the concrete.

If that concrete has just been laid, let it dry off completely; thereafter, clean the surface.

Subsequently, get a paint roller and gravel glue; use the paint roller to spread the gravel glue over the concrete surface. The glue helps keep the rocks in place and prevents them from shifting.

#2. Arrange the Rocks

After preparing the concrete patio surface and ensuring it’s clean and dry, the next thing is to prepare the rocks.

Again, depending on preference, you can choose any rock material. But in this case, we’ll be using 10mm rounded gravel.

Washing the gravel is necessary, and that’s the first procedure, after which you’d make a gravel and gravel glue mixture.

It’s important to note that too much gravel glue can result in several issues later on. Thus, be mindful of the amount of gravel glue that you mix. 

#3. Spread the Gravel Over the Concrete Patio Surface

The process here is straightforward. Evenly spread the gravel and gravel glue mixture on the concrete patio; you can use a hand trowel.

As a guide, the gravel should be about an inch higher than the concrete patio level.

But, of course, it can go higher, and adding another layer is not bad. Ensure that the gravel is leveled and allow it to dry up.

In all, the procedures aren’t stressful at all. You’ll only find the process vigorous if the concrete patio area is large.

There are many other alternatives in situations where you don’t have cash at hand or want a backup plan. The first option is to use landscaping fabric and lay the rocks over it.

This alternative is easy to cover your patio with rocks, but it also requires much more material than using rocks alone.

Another option is adding a layer of sand and then covering it with gravel or any rock of your choice.

What Type of Rocks Can You Put Around Concrete Patio?

There are many types of rocks that you can put around your concrete patio. The type of rock you choose will depend on your preference and the look you want to achieve.

For example, some people use rocks that match the color of their patio, while others prefer to contrast the colors.

Nevertheless, you can also utilize rock materials like gravel for a more varied look. Different types of rocks have different qualities and characteristics.

Let’s have a comparative analysis between granite and limestone.

Granite Limestone 
It is less porous than limestoneIt is porous and more likely to absorb water
It can be less expensive in some scenarios It is expensive
It is sturdy and last longerIt is also strong but more susceptible to damage(wear and tear)

You can also use river rock. It’s very popular because it is inexpensive and easy to come by. But if you want a more natural look, utilize cobblestones instead.

Cobblestones are more expensive than river rock; they’ll give you a more rustic appearance.

Tips For Putting Rocks Around Concrete Patio 

It will help if you look for specific things when putting rocks around your concrete patio.

One essential thing is to pick out rocks that will fit in with the theme and design of your home. You also want to ensure that the rocks are not too heavy.

If they are, they will not be able to support the weight of the concrete, and it will eventually give way.

Also, always use natural rocks rather than artificial ones because natural ones are better for your environment.

Other tips include cleaning the surface and marking the perimeter.

#1. Clean the Surface

Before laying the rocks, ensure that your concrete surface is free from debris or dirt. It shouldn’t be wet but completely dry, especially when you’re applying a sealant.

#2. Mark the Perimeter

Draw out the perimeter where you want to lay the rocks with chalk. Make sure that there’s enough space for them to fit in nicely.

Likewise, spread out the rocks on top of that chalk line and ensure even spacing on all sides. Though not mandatory, you should utilize sand or adhesives to prevent rolling.


Surrounding your concrete patio with rocks is a great way to beautify the area, especially when the patio is old.

However, be careful not to extend the rocks to the unmarked area. Also, remember that your preferred rock type must not have the same color as your home.

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